The Best Way to Find Your Best Cymbals

Finding the best cymbal can be difficult, but you can also find ways to figure out which cymbals will be your best choice. First, you can find your friend who is a drummer and ask him how to find him or you can also ask him for recommendations for the brand and type of cymbal. Usually, this method actually works for finding lots of different options.

Second, if you don’t want to meet other people in this situation, you can also find recommendations at online drum shops. Additionally, you can read reviews of each cymbal before making the decision to buy it and use it with your drum set. There are tons of online drum shops you can find with some reviews such as Zero to Drum Facebook or,, etc.

Zildjian K Custom Hybrid Cymbal Set Best Review 2021

This is a brand that the professional drummer is well associated with and recognizes. Drum cymbals from this company may be expensive, but the truth is they always deliver quality performance.

The manufacturers at the Zildjian Company are superb craftspeople who do an extraordinary job of making the finest best cymbal packaging. The look, feel, durability, and sound of this cymbal are outstanding.

Buying Zildjian cymbals is an investment. They do more than pay for themselves in their staying power. The cymbals on these drums can withstand all the energy the hard hitter provides. The cymbals are expensive, but I can assure you that you can never go wrong with Zildjian

What Are The Best Cymbals?

There are very many cymbals on the market today. The best ones are determined by the brand and the material that make them. In this case, Zildjian Cymbals, Paiste, Sabian, and Meinl are the four best manufactures of cymbals. You will know the best, based on how much they cost. Of course, the best ones are more costly.

Find out here => what are drum cymbals

Best Hi-Hats Review Of 2021

Playing a modern drum kit without a hi-hat never feels right. I cannot even start imagining how a significant pop band would sound if it missed this vital cymbal.

The hi-hat offers an added depth and variety to your rhythm. Striking it adds extra complexity to the drummer’s beats.

Let’s step back a little bit.

For those who don’t know what a hi-hat is, it’s essential to explain it. This is on the most essential drum accessories for every drummer seeking to understand parts of the drum set.

The hi-hat cymbals are placed on top of each other. They are played using a pedal, just like the bass drum.

The best hi-hats cymbals are pulled together when a player steps on the pedal. This operation creates a sizzling sound like no other. Some players hit play it with a drum stick too. It all depends on the genre of music you are playing.

Cymbal Price

Cymbals are very expensive or at least the best ones. Those that come with the kit are not of the best quality; this is why they are cheap.

If you want to get the best, you will need to dig deeper. That is just how things work in the cymbal world, as you would expect with any other product.

When buying cymbals, I always advise those who ask me to consider the brand and the built quality. At the end of the day, the cost will not matter if you are gaining more from the products.

Having said that, here are some of the best cymbals the modern market has to offer.

How To Make A Cymbal ?

The best way to get good cymbals could be to buy one. But if you want to make your own, then you will need to find the right equipment.

First, you will need something to roll out the bronze disk flat, and a press for pressing the flat disk. A mold will not work well because it can crack the cymbal when you start hammering.

Or this equipment is not in your reach; you can also try out the old school approach by hammering the cymbal all the way. Begin from a thick, pizza-sized bronze pie, but you may really hurt your arm.

In summary, making your own cymbal is a dark art. This means many people still don’t know the exact formulas and techniques considered trade secrets. You can still find several smiths making custom and boutique items. Their ideas can create a good foundation for you.

Professional cymbal makers use different approaches including, smelting, casting, rolling, pressing the bell, tampering, piercing the bell and cutting round, hard hammering, lathing, fine hammering, and shaving the edges.

Read more what are drum cymbals

Who Started Cymbals with Holes?

The first company to come up with holed cymbals for mass production was Sabian. As you may already know, Sabian is one of the biggest cymbal makers in the world.

Therefore, if you associate them with the trend, it is easier to know that cymbals with holes have not been around for long. Sabian broke out from Zildjian about 30 years ago, and they have been making a great market on the market.

Their main motivation lies in versatility. The company has been focusing on innovation and creating new ideas that improve many drummers’ experiences across the globe.

Therefore, it does not surprise that it was the first company to introduce holes in cymbals.

The perforated cymbals came as part of their Evolution line that was endorsed by Dave Weckl in 2002. He is the one who developed cymbals too, and they have since become a major part of the modern market.

Mark Love, a master product specialist at Sabian, says that the O-Zone cymbal came up by accident. A cymbal maker was creating holes to be used in jingles when he decided to experiment on cymbals. By placing holes evenly around the cymbal surface, they discovered some great effects sounds that were never imagined before.

What started as an accident lead to more research and development led by Sabina. The company soon started putting holes on the cymbals, which affect the way sound travels.

When a part of the metal is taken out from the cymbal, it distorts the sound waves, creating an aggressive sounding roar. Wave Weckl became very interested in the project and wanted to help in spreading the news about this new discovery.

Ever since many other companies have joined the community with their own cymbals with holes. This is why today; you will see them with a wide range of drummers in different settings.

Meinl 14” Classics Dark Hi-Hats Review

If you have the budget, these are the best hi-hats to invest in. This hi-hat offers the perfect combination of quality and price, making them by far the highest-quality products.

This hi-hat cymbals produce the quality dark, warm, and explosive sound that will make your performance sound amazing. They come with a refined tone and a powerful character.

The hi-hats drum set is made from quality B10 bronze alloy with extra hammering.

In terms of responsiveness, the hi-hat drum set is supper. Also, they produce a premium, dry tone.

The combination of a dark finish and additional hammering creates cymbals with excellent, complex, and rich sound. Whatever music style you are playing, you can be sure these cymbals will not disappoint.

They are played while closed. Despite this, you will still get a tight, clean “chick” sound that can also translate to a mellow and low pitch.
When opened, they give out a dark and powerful explosive sound.

The dark finish is not only for the looks. It is the reason players receive a premium, drier sustain. I believe this is all drummers seek in cymbals with holes and without.

You will enjoy playing these hi-hats. The hi-hat produces a realty cool musical tone with an excellent attach. Also, the hi-hat fit perfectly in the overall setup of a drum kit.

They are recommended for pop, rock, hip-hop, fusion, funk, and metal, among many other genres.

My verdict: the Meinl Classic 14-inch are the best cymbals your money. For those seeking for a professional set of hi-hats, you cannot look any further. And that is why I have placed them at the top of this list.

The positive:

  • Highest professional quality
  • A died range of premium sounds
  • Value for money


  • It would be better if they featured a B20 bronze alloy.

Cymbal Brand

Many cymbal brands have come up over the past few years. Most of them are good, and they come up with innovative products. But some are not just good.

My favorite brands are Zildjian, Paiste, and Meinl. These are the main players in the cymbal market, and each of them offers top quality in their products.

If you need the best cymbals, you will have to consider carefully whom you buy from. There are, of course, many other good brands. You just need to take your time to research well before settling